Cian Maher
2 min readMay 13, 2024

For centuries, the Emerald Isle of Éire has been contested by warring Gaels and Norsemen. This feud is not fueled by a need for resources, nor is it oriented around an agreeable division of territories—rather, it is perpetuated by a mutual respect that exists between the combatants. Éire is a haven of lush woodlands filled with game, rivers, and a near endless supply of building materials. Simply put, it is paradise—but only for those formidable enough to brave the violent storms that form a natural protective barrier all around it, and the malicious pirates who hide within them.

Unbeknownst to our warring factions, their shared reverence is soon to become crucial. His Imperial Majesty, the faraway commander of the world’s largest army, has grown bold with ambition. Despite his many failed attempts to colonise Éire, he has launched a new campaign to conquer it at any cost. It is not unusual to see ships bearing flags emblazoned with his signature flaming cross, although neither kings nor jarls have ever paid this much heed—in their eyes, His Majesty is a lousy warrior and an even lousier general. But in secret, His Majesty has formed a pact with the infernal deities of Tech Dúinn, imprisoned millennia ago by the ancestors of Set. Reliable reports from the southeast corner of Éire suggest that ships manned by wraiths have landed to raze villages, kill townsfolk, and desecrate druidic circles. Cracks are forming in the veil that separates the world of men from the land of the dead—cracks that must be patched before the Empire succeeds in merging the two.

Our story follows a young warrior named Set. After being imprisoned in the dungeons of Jarl Rune for espionage, his life is spared so that he can carry out a mission of vital importance. Rune hands him a sealed missive intended for Set’s adoptive father, Lugh, High King of Éire. It has been enchanted such that any tampering with the seal by a hand other than Lugh’s will cause it to disintegrate, burning the hand of its holder. Set leaves Dubh Linn with three young Norsemen: Bjorn, a brash berserker with the ability to turn into a bear; Arne, a slight and intelligent man who can transform into an eagle; and Njal, a half-giant who is constantly reminded of his mother’s affair with a dwarf by his closest friends. After meeting with Lugh, three more join their fellowship: Badb, a charismatic and sarcastic sorceress; Macha, the level-headed and cunning sister of Badb; and Ferdiad, brother to Set in all ways except blood. They are tasked with venturing to Cuan an Bhainbh in order to investigate an unsettling anomaly.

Little do they know, the fate of the entire nation is soon to rest on their shoulders.

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